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Welcome to

Wellbeing with Therapy

A confidential space to explore You! your thoughts, feelings and challenges in your life

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Wellbeing with Therapy. My name is Andy Smith and I am an Integrative Therapist and Counsellor, using Attachment theory, ACEs and Transactional Analysis. I am also a member of AMCAMH (The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health). I am also GSRD compliant and work with LGBT+ clients on sexuality and relationships I provide both short- and long-term therapy to adult individuals in Eccles, Salford and Manchester areas

Counselling and therapy in a safe, comfortable and private setting

Life brings many challenges, and it is understandable that at times we might look for support in facing them. As a therapist my role is to provide space and guidance to help you on your journey of self-discovery; to enable you to examine your life and make new, meaningful choices within it.

I can help to shine a light perhaps on those dark areas working together to resolve,

I offer a chance to reflect on the difficulties or problems you are experiencing in a safe and confidential environment, with someone from outside your day-to-day life. Together we can explore your situation in a way that leads to fresh perspectives - and perhaps a new understanding of yourself. Therapy isn’t about giving you solutions or advice, but empowering you to understand and therefore to make your own changes.

I work with people from all walks of life and backgrounds, coming to me with a diverse range of problems. As a fully-qualified counsellor I am a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, and abide by their code of ethics.

About Me

I became a therapist later in life, after having a successful senior career in IT. After life changing experiences in my life journey and receiving therapy to help me process what was happening, I realised this is where I have most to offer. So I understand how scary it may feel to take that first step in reaching out for support. I am here to work with you on your journey, shine a light for you in the dark areas until you feel ready to talk and make the changes, if, you decide to.

There may be times when you look at your life, and you may wonder, why you do not feel happy, there may be times that no matter what you say, think, feel or try, never seems enough to change that feeling, or may even leave you feeling helpless, then I am here for you, to work with you in a compassionate and non-judgemental way, supporting you, be there with you as we explore what is going on for you.

Speak in Confidence

Counselling takes place in a safe space, where I will listen with sensitivity and empathy - and without judgement. In the therapy space thoughts and feelings can be expressed freely and in confidence.

This is your safe haven, we all need one, to know what you say is heard, respected and not judged, its about validating what you feel and need to say.

A problem shared...

Trouble with a relationship; anxiety or panic attacks; mood swings or depression, sexual confusion

- many people face difficulties in their everyday lives that can be hard to get on top of, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, hopeless or even helpless. Therapy gives us a set of tools we can use to help gain a better understanding of what’s causing these problems - and how you can move towards managing or resolving them.

Make better, healthier new choices

Working together I can help you gain greater insight into the difficulties you are facing, help you understand why you act or react to them the way you do, and see how you can start to make better, feeling empowered to make heathier choices moving forward on our life journey.

What issues can counselling help with?

People come to me for help a wide range of issues. Here are a few of the more common difficulties that can be supported through counselling:




Relationship problems


Couples Therapy

Problems with confidence, self-esteem or/and self-worth

Fear, Shame, Guilt or Anger


Over thinking




Sexuality Confusion

GSRD compliant

Post-traumatic stress

Grief, loss or bereavement

Work or retirement


Career problems



emotional &


Family or school life


I worked with Andy for 18 months and cannot recommend him highly enough. 

It took some time for me to feel comfortable with counselling but I am so happy with the outcome of working with Andy.

He is patient, understanding and his passion for helping others is absolutely genuine. 

My life is better because of the work we did together.

Ben - Online Counselling

Andy is amazing at what he does, always listening and engages better than anyone I’ve spoken with before.

Andy is calm, collective and very informative. Tackling those inner demons is a tough journey, but Andy makes it easier through his provision of a safe and comfortable environment with his friendly and open approach.

If you feel like counselling has never worked. Try Andy, it will change your mind for the better. "

Toni - Salford

"I started Therapy with Andy around 12 months ago after trying a 6 week course of counselling, which didn’t really work for me. I had been suffering with anxiety for quite a while and it was effecting all aspects of my work and personal life.

Andy quickly worked out which style of therapy would work best for me, and prepared me for the journey I was about to take, and what a journey it was. Although each session was lead by me Andy had the ability to delve into areas of my life that I had locked away. He helped me make sense of why I was feeling the way I was, and put strategies in place to help me, once this happened the dark clouds started to clear from above me and I started to feel myself again.

Andy’s sessions were not rushed at all. Each one flowed easily into the next. He gave me tasks to do and things to read which I found really useful. I can honestly say that my life has improved immensely thanks to Andy, although he will say its thanks to me."

Patrick - Salford

I contacted Andy after experiencing a traumatic event and deciding I wanted to seek help in processing what had happened. I was unsure at first whether therapy would work for me and was daunted by the prospect. Andy really helped me to process the magnitude of feelings I was experiencing and provided a safe space for me to explore them. Andy is none judgemental and an excellent listener who was able to adapt his skills to what I really needed. 7 months later I can honestly say that I am now equipped to deal with anything life throws at me and I feel the most confident I have in a long time. I'm so happy I gave therapy a go and would 100% recommend it to others

Thanks for everything Andy!

Dayle - Manchester

"I really enjoyed working with you. I found you easy to engage with and to build a working relationship where I quickly felt safe and secure. I liked that you asked me before we even started what kind of therapy I preferred, for example, you asked whether I wanted to be challenged and whether our focus should be on the past or the future. This made me feel not only were you interested in me as a person, but that my therapy was specific to me and my needs.

Thank you for doing that. I liked that you had the confidence to disclose some personal information, just enough, so that I trusted you more and it helped me disclose more early in our sessions. I never felt judged or belittled by you, and I never felt ashamed showing my true feelings and confusion to you. I liked the way you understood that I needed a break to process and settle with things as they came up, and I like that I never felt rushed or dictated by a fixed number of sessions. You gave me space to just be myself, and you gave me the confidence to take risks and push myself even when it felt very uncomfortable for me. I always felt supported by you, and I like that you never rescued me as I found my own way through my material.

Through working with you, I learned things that I never know before, and understood things from a different perspective: we talked about coming to terms with parts of my past a lot and I know I have done this with your care and support. For me, counselling with you has been a deeply rewarding experience. I feel changed: more confident in my ability to cope and more resourceful. I also feel less weighed down by the past and I feel freer to live my life on my terms. Ultimately, you helped me realise I can trust myself, and as I enter the Autumn of my life I do so with a lighter and brighter heart."

Mark - Salford

I looked into therapy last year after going through a difficult time in my

personal life. When I initially started the counselling, I wasn’t entirely sure what it was I wanted to gain from it I just knew I wasn’t feeling myself and wanted to figure out why. 

During my sessions, Andy listened and gave me a safe place to discuss what was going on for me and about my past. I felt comfortable opening up to him and together over the weeks we started to figure out what was bothering me. I think having that person to talk to each week and help me delve into things going on in my life was a real eye opener and without that support I wouldn’t have been able to get through it alone.

The sessions definitely helped me work through my issues 100% and one year on I feel the happiest, most confident and content I have ever felt in my life! 

I cannot thank Andy enough for the support he gave me through a very difficult time in my life and would definitely recommend him to my friends and family.

I would highly recommend therapy to anyone struggling or going through anything difficult in their life. I have come through it a much stronger person"

Jo Manchester

"I had counselling with Andy for about 9 months. To start with I wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about, just that I felt terrible. Working with Andy, week by week, peeled back the layers and identified some issues that I didn't realise were there. 

I really liked working with Andy whose style is to work with me, to teach me why what is happening is happening rather than just talk about the problem.

In the past I've felt that talking about it has made things worse as it was just a reminder of what I find difficult to deal with and difficult to manage.

I felt safe exploring this with Andy and felt like I had been "let in on" a secret. That my problems weren't a big scary thing that I try to hide from, they were just normal reactions that anyone would have in those circumstances which really made me view myself through a kinder lens.

It really challenged the shame I feel which is a barrier to me getting better. I would recommend anyone to work with Andy if there is something they've been putting off or trying to hide from.

Andy is a good listener and teacher and he really knows his stuff."

Carly Manchester

"I'd never tried therapy before. Last year was really tough for various reasons and so I made the referral.

I didn't know what to expect and to be completely honest, was quite sceptical about the whole thing. It was held online and from the initial assessment, Andy made me feel at ease, I was able to speak with him without fear of judgement. Every session moving forward became gradually easier, I felt lighter. 

He was calm, patient and consistent. He was able to give me insight into my thought processes and in turn this developed my self-belief and confidence...something that I'd misplaced and hidden from for a while. It's quite difficult to explain the positive impact Andy had on my life; my thought processes have evolved, my anxieties eased and I've made some really big positive life changes. "

Kate Manchester

"Before therapy, I didn’t really think much of the idea. I was trying just about everything other than therapy to deal with my issues for a long time. 

Now that I have worked with Andy for a few months I can say that I highly value the idea of therapy.

It has helped me to learn about myself. Now that I have a better understanding of myself, I am able to live my life in the way I have always wanted to. I feel happy in my own skin. I feel good about the future. Most importantly, I am proud of who I am. 


It became clear very early on that Andy could help me. In a short amount of time. I could tell that he knows what he is doing. He is obviously well educated in the field and shows passion and pride. He has a calming presence which makes it easy to

develop trust. 


I would recommend therapy to anyone who thinks they need it. It isn’t easy. But, if you believe in yourself, and really work on yourself, you will be better off. 


I don’t see myself needing therapy again any time soon. However, if I do, I will be speaking to Andy. "

Patrick Eccles

More testimonials coming soon...

My location

I work from my therapy room in my home in Eccles and I also work in an office in Salford (Thursday only) but requires booking a room and this has limited availability with a booking fee for room. In addition to providing face-to-face therapy, I also offer online sessions either Zoom or WhatsApp for clients in the Greater Manchester area and beyond and also via phone. Contact me to find out more about how therapy works.

Fees & availability

Counselling sessions for individuals last 50 minutes, usually taking place on a weekly basis, and cost £50 per session. I also provide a limited number of spaces for those on low-income or for students; contact me to enquire about availability. Initial assessment appointments last around 20 minutes and I do these free of charge. If you would like a full session then this is at the Rate of £60 and can take up to 75 minutes.

Couple counselling is £75 per session and I follow the EFT model. I see both of you for 2 sessions then separately for one session each then back together to understand the way forward.

Note that if you want to cancel an appointment I require 48 hours’ notice; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed. I accept payment in cash, by cheque or by bank transfer including PayPal.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07740 024995 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment. Click here to book an appointment directly.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.